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infrared region中文是什么意思

用"infrared region"造句"infrared region"怎么读"infrared region" in a sentence


  • 红外光谱区;红外线区域
  • 红外光域
  • 红外区
  • 红外线范围
  • 红外线区


  • In the solar and near infrared region it is more usual to speak of absorptivity than emissivity .
  • Figure 6. 3 shows a plot of the portion of the infrared region that is ordinary scanned with the modern instruments .
  • Far - infrared region
  • Figure 6 . 3 shows a plot of the portion of the infrared region that is ordinary scanned with the modern instruments
    图6 3是用现代仪器对红外区的普通扫描图。
  • Method for the spectral radiant energy measurement of far infrared heaters specified in the far infrared region
  • Since quantum chromodynamics ( qcd ) is nonperturbative in the infrared region as the basic theory of strong interaction , the potential model as one of various models inspired by qcd has been developed to explain the properties of hadron
    目前,由于作为强相互作用基本理论的量子色动力学( qcd )在低能区(大距离)的非微扰效应,各种qcd激发的模型一直被发展来解释强子的性质。
  • In 1958 , professor townes and dr . a . l . schawlow showed theoretically that masers could be made to operate in the optical and infrared region and this work resulted in their joint paper on optical and infrared masers , or lasers ( light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation )
    一九五八年,汤斯教授和邵卢博士( arthurl . schawlow )在理论上证明maser在可见光和红外线的范围亦可运作,并共同发表关于可见光和红外线激射放大器,亦即laser ( lightamplificationbysimulatedemissionofradiation )的论文。
  • Which will eventually form stars of spectral types g , k or m . t tauri stars are surrounded by a huge cloud and they are very young , with low surface temperature . they emit most of their light in the infrared region and they appear red . a general principle is , a violent reaction will give out short wavelength waves , like gamma rays or x - rays ; while a gentle process will radiate long wavelength waves , like radio or infrared
    ,这类星最后会演化为g k或m型恒星,金牛座t型星为表面温度低而非常年青的恒星,四周被星云所围绕,所以这种星颜色偏红,较容易在红外线波段找到一个普遍的原则是,如果活动越激烈,则所放出的光波波长越短,主要会为伽玛或x射线如果活动温和,则会发放出如无线电波或红外线等长波长电磁波。
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